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The Deadline for the application to the Summer School in China 2013 is scheduled on MAY 25, 2013

To download the brochure (PDF file) : Brochure Summer Institute in China – Deadline May 25 2013

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The Edition 2013 of the Summer School in China – Executive Education Training Program coordinated by the Chair of International Trade Law within the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law at University of Milan (Italy), the Chair of Chinese Law within the Department of Law atUniversity of Turin (Italy) and Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology (United Kingdom) will be held atPeking University School of Government in Beijing (China) from the 6th July to the 3th August 2013 (SICCEP and IP-China) or from the 20th July to the 17th August (IP-China and SICCEP).

This program was originally organized by University of Milan, Department Public, Civil Procedure International and European Law since year 2006. According to the vision and the mission of the Scientific Director and Program Co-ordinator, from the first edition up to the present, the structure of the program has developed and changed dramatically to keep the program always up-to-date and at the highest academic and professional standards. Since year 2010, the main organizers of the program are the Chair of International Trade Law of University of Milan, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, the Chair of Chinese law of University of Turin, Department of Law and, since year 2012, Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology (United Kingdom) in partnership with Lund University Faculty of Political Sciences in Sweden, University of Provence Aix Marseille I – CNRS Centre of Comparative Epistemology and Ergology in France and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain.

From the edition 2011, two institutions have been affiliated to the summer program: University of Eastern Piedmont Faculty of Economics in Italy, University of Pavia, Faculty of Law in Italy. From the edition 2012, three other institutions have joined the program: Catholic University of Milan Faculty of Law, University of Insubria (Como) Faculty of Law in Italy and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain. From the Edition 2013, Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology in United Kingdom and Istanbul Sehir University in Turkey  joined the program. (See:

This program is multidisciplinary and is aimed at students, young graduates and senior professionals with a background in law, political sciences, international relations, philosophy, economics, environmental sciences, engineering and any other relevant discipline that can be related to the topics of the program.

The first curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP) or more precisely Law, Policy, Economics and Technology on Climate Change and Environmental issues: European and Chinese Perspectives. It addresses issues such as energy policies, environment law and sustainable development, intellectual property and technology innovation. The second curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China). The participants (students and professionals) who will enroll in all the scheduled courses and seminars will receive the certificates for both curricula. It is an innovative program that takes into account the training demands of young professionals on these issues, drawing on relevant curricula received from international organizations and the private sector.

Both the curricula have been approved by the Italian National Bar Association(Rome) with 24 credits valid for lawyers and practicing lawyers.

For undergraduate and graduate students, based on the number of hours of lecturers, preparatory academic materials and practical activities, this summer school is equivalent at least to one semester program.

The summer course will include the following topics:

1) Introduction to Chinese Law, Institutions & Politics (20h) SICCEP and IP-CHINA

2) Global Environmental Governance (14h) SICCEP

3) Environment, Science and Society: a Philosophical Introduction (14h) SICCEP

4) Law, Policy and Economics on Climate Change (14h) SICCEP

5) Introduction to Chinese Intellectual Property Law and Technology Transfer (20h) IP-CHINA

6) European American and Chinese Approaches to Intellectual Property Rights and  Competition Policy (20h) IP-CHINA

7) Governance of Energy Transitions: Towards Low-Carbon, Sustainable Society (14h) SICCEP

For further information please visit the webpage:

To download the brochure (PDF file) : Brochure Summer Institute in China – Deadline May 25 2013

Queries can be addressed to :

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Presentation of the Summer School in China – Edition 2012

Il 16 maggio viene presentata ufficialmente la settima edizione della [apre una nuova finestra] Summer School in Cina/Executive Education Training Program[apre una nuova finestra] che si terrà nell’estate 2012 presso la Peking University School of Government, Beijing (PRC).

All’evento prendono parte alcuni dei partecipanti alle precedenti edizioni (2006-2011) e sono in programma testimonianze in video di chi ha trovato lavoro in Cina e racconta la sua esperienza direttamente dal Paese del Sol Levante.

Rivolta in particolare a studenti e laureati di scienze politiche, economia, lingue, filosofia, scienze ambientali e ingegneria, la Summer School è però aperta agli studenti di qualsiasi disciplina.

In  programma per la nuova edizione due curricula paralleli: “Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP)” e “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China). Il primo affronta i temi del cambiamento climatico e della protezione dell’ambiente, mentre il secondo si focalizza sulla proprietà  intellettuale e il trasferimento tecnologico.

Entrambi i curricula sono riconosciuti dal Consiglio nazionale forense come attività formative nell’ambito della formazione obbligatoria per gli avvocati, con l’attribuzione di 24 crediti formativi.

Le domande di partecipazione vanno presentate entro il 25 maggio via mail all’indirizzo a cui si può scrivere anche per ottenere tutte le informazioni. I partecipanti all’edizione 2012 attualmente iscritti provengono, oltre che dall’Italia, da molti paesi europei e asiatici,  dal continente africano e dal Sudamerica.

La Summer School in China – Executive Education Training Program è nata dalla collaborazione tra diverse università europee. Oltre al nostro dipartimento di Diritto pubblico, internazionale ed europeo e Diritto processuale civile,alla Cattedra di Diritto del commercio internazionale di Nerina Boschiero e alla cattedra di diritto comparato di Antonio Gambaro sono infatti coinvolte alcune facoltà, dipartimenti e cattedre umanistiche, giuridiche ed economiche delle università di: Torino, Piemonte Orientale, Pavia, Insubria, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Lund, Provence Aix Marseille e Carlos III de Madrid.

Questa rete di partner universitari ha presentato lo scorso anno un progetto dal titolo “GOING EAST. Enhancing Asian research cooperation in higher education for the challenges of global. Id. 2011/1410” finanziato dalla Fondazione Cariplo, che garantisce a ogni ente partner il finanziamento di due borse di studio a favore dei loro studenti che partecipano alla Summer School in China.

La Summer School in Cina (diretta da Paolo Farah) è diventata parte integrante dell’attività di internazionalizzazione prevista dal progetto – coordinato da Barbara Pozzo dell’Universita Insubria e da Piercarlo Rossi dell’Università del Piemonte Orientale – per favorire la mobilità di docenti e ricercatori e le relazione con i paesi emergenti.

16 maggio, ore 12.30, aula 304, via Festa del Perdono 7.

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